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Online education at every level of the journey

Joe Thorpe

It comes as no surprise to those of us already working in education, and especially in the English teaching field, that online teaching has never been so popular. EdTech (education technology) was one of fastest growing industries during the lockdowns and months at home, and unlike some of the pandemic businesses, it has not stopped growing.

At RKA Valencia, we’ve taken the best parts of in-person classes and mixed them with the ability to give classes to students from wherever they are. Online and hybrid classes mean that it doesn’t matter where our students are, we can always teach them and have fun together.

Online education progress

While the ability to join a class online makes things much easier, the current explosion in educational opportunities is not just about ease, but also about flexibility.

As more and more educational providers offer online courses, and design courses for online purposes, there are growing areas that used to be for in-person teaching only.

In India, the users of online education grew 75% in 2021, with millions of young people looking top improve their CVs and get an advantage in the job market.

A change in thinking

As well as new opportunities, another vital reason for this new wave of education is that more people are thinking about online learning, reading about it, and searching for providers. In the past, an online degree meant a useless or badly considered one,

but now things have changed.

Due to COVID-19 lockdowns, online was the only way, so we stopped thinking of it as a ‘lesser’ version of in person teaching, and started seeing it as the best/only option.

There is less ‘stigma’ (bad ideas about the topic) and more fun technology and solutions to make it even better.


We love the blend of in-person classes and great technology, and make sure that we are up to date with every tool we can use to make sure everyone can learn English with RKA Valencia, wherever they are.

If you want to learn English in Valencia, get in touch at or call on +34 722 182 731





16:00 - 20:00
15:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 19:00  
15:00 - 21:00


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+34 722 182 731

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