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Página De Preguntas Frecuentes

Una gran parte de nuestra mentalidad siempre ha sido adaptarse a la situación y encontrar la mejor manera de trabajar en el entorno en el que nos encontramos. Con la actual y continua pandemia de COVID-19, seguimos evolucionando y encontrando formas emocionantes y atractivas de enseñar a nuestros estudiantes. Con nuestras medidas de seguridad y distancia cuidadosamente organizadas, estamos seguros de que podemos seguir motivando y educando como una academia de inglés en Valencia.

Hemos respondido a algunas preguntas comunes a continuación, pero si tiene alguna pregunta o duda, póngase en contacto con nosotros y diganos cómo podemos ayudarle.

  • Why study English?
    If there’s one skill to learn that could take you around the world and back again, speaking English might be it! Whether you want to travel to exotic places and order confidently, take that next professional step or prepare your kids to enter a world dominated by English, then you are in the right place. Learning English will allow you and your children to travel, talk, explore and work anywhere in the world. 1.5 billion people speak English, and you should be one of them too! It’s not just useful (or maybe even vital), it’s also a great way to meet new people, talk about interesting topics and learn important social skills. It’s never too late to begin, so get in touch now and start your English journey.
  • Why should I choose RKA Valencia?
    Your children should be learning English with RKA Valencia, and the reason is simple. We know how to show students the fun side of learning English, as well as pass their exams too. We’ve been in the Nuevo Mestalla area for more than 15 years, and our strong relationships with our students and parents mean we truly are a part of Valencia. We have been working with the schools and businesses in this area since the beginning, and we know how to make it work. If you want flexible class timings, personal teacher attention and small class sizes, then RKA Valencia will be the English academy for you. We are also one of the few officially accredited Cambridge Exam Preparation locations in the city. Our expertise and experience will make every class a blast, and every exam a walk in the park.
  • Are the classes fun?
    We know they are! By putting laughter, fun and social interaction at the heart of every class, we keep things lively, and keep our students learning. English classes don’t need to be boring and heavy going, real life is fast and interactive, so we make our classes that way. You might get challenged and pushed out of your comfort zone, but in the end, you’ll have a great time and learn more about English as well as yourself. At the end of a school or workday, it can be hard to sit still and concentrate. We make sure that every class is dynamic, enjoyable and engaging. Our students will leave their English class with a big smile and a head full of English.
  • Can my children safely attend classes during the COVID-19 pandemic?
    Our children’s education is the highest priority, but it’s got to be safe! We have created a multi-stage safety system to ensure that our classes are as safe as possible. Staggered class times, individual class bubbles and strict hygiene rules mean your children can learn English with as few risks as possible. Students will always wear their masks, and we operate a temperature control at the front door. We limit our classes to a maximum of six students, not only creating a safe learning environment, but also giving our students more individual attention than most other English academies in Valencia.
  • What if I’m nervous about speaking English?
    One of the most rewarding parts of our job is helping people who feel scared or nervous, giving them the confidence and ability to communicate and chat freely. We will start slowly, build you up and set you off onto a life of English excellence! There’s no such thing as someone who can’t learn a language, and we make sure that classes are at the right pace and level for you and the other students.
  • Do I have to take an exam, or can I learn English for fun?"
    With RKA English you can enjoy Cambridge exam preparation classes, conversation sessions or business-specific classes too. Whether you want to pass that vital exam, refresh your skills for a trip to the UK or get ready for an important interview, we can help you. Our exam preparation classes will be concentrated on the skills and practice needed to pass, but are still energetic and full of laughter. If you’re having a good time, we know you’ll learn better.
  • When are the classes and who will I learn with?
    It can be hard to find the right time to commit to language learning, so we are making it easier than ever before. Once we have assessed your level, we will give you the available options for our scheduled classes. If after a few weeks you realise your class time isn’t working well, we are always willing to be flexible and find the best class for you. We can even create new classes to fit our students’ schedules. We normally create groups with similar ages and very similar levels but can move students into any appropriate group to improve learning outcomes. We want you to learn English without having to sacrifice your schedule.
  • How young can my child start learning English? Am I too old to start learning?
    When it comes to age, it’s never too early and definitely never too late. Our youngest classes start at around two years and six months (or as soon as they are out of nappies and can go to the bathroom on their own). Young children are like sponges and can soak up language more easily than adults, so starting early is a great plan. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s too late to start, and whether you are 20 or 70, we can create exciting, engaging and useful classes for you.
  • What are the costs involved in signing up for classes?
    Aside from the monthly class costs (HYPERLINK), we also have a one-off registration cost. Unlike other academies, you only pay this the first time that you register, and never again. This allows us to provide the very best teaching environment, and you won’t pay for any materials or class tools throughout your course. For exam preparation classes, you pay the exam entrance fee, but everything during the classes is covered by us.



16:00 - 20:00
15:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 19:00  
15:00 - 21:00


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+34 722 182 731

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